Æ is a character formed from the letters a and e, originally a ligature representing the Latin diphthong ae. It has been promoted to the status of a letter ...
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In French, œ is called e dans l'o [ə dɑ̃ lo], which means e in the o (a mnemotechnic pun used first at school, sounding like (des) œufs dans l'eau, meaning ...
Letter edit. æ (lower case, upper case Æ). Ligature of the letters a and e synonym △. Synonym: e dans l'a. German edit. Symbol edit. æ (lower case, upper case ...
Apr 2, 2020 · I've only just discovered that in French the combination of 'o' and 'e' as œ is called 'e dans l'o'. ... You know there also is “e dans l'a” . For ...
Feb 14, 2018 · ... e entrelacés » ou encore « e dans l'a ». La difficulté, c'est que l'on rencontre aussi des mots où a et e sont consécutifs mais séparés. L ...
Nov 2, 2015 · In French, the “Œ” ligature can be called: “E dans l'O” (This literally means “ E in the O”, although I have to confess that until fairly ...
Nov 15, 2013 · It was greatly popularized in Serge Gainsbourg's song Elaeudanla Téïtéïa (i.e. “L, A, E dans l'A, T, I, T, I, A”), which is the spelling in ...
But you may hear it called e dans l'o, meaning “the e inside the o”. When used in a word, it normally takes the sound of the letter that follows it. How ...